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Heating control software displays savings and predicts how much oil is left in the tank

Unleaded petrol is close to its record price at the pumps, even though there has been a sustained fall in the cost of oil in the medium term. Since April, the cost of Brent crude has dropped by 18 per cent while this week unleaded petrol cost an average of 136.58 pence a litre across Britain’s forecourts. The petrol industry responded that prices are only partially dependent on the cost of crude oil.

Consumers can at least drive down the cost of oil central heating with HeatingSave’s computer-run boiler control system. It calculates the amount of fuel and electricity each day to prove to you the saving it can make over your existing heating control system. HeatingSave’s PC software displays how much your heating is costing. For those using heating oil it estimates the litres of fuel used each day and predicts how much oil is left in the tank. HeatingSave allows advanced planning of heating patterns and a diary allowing 365 day programming with different patterns for each zone.

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