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Heating management system helps offices become more energy efficient by cutting bills

Almost half of office workers said their offices have become more energy efficient since the recession began. The YouGov survey also found 57 per cent of those polled said their green workplace has led to reduced costs, so it seems ‘going green’ has resulted in managers saving money. The survey also discovered that popular green measures in offices included turning off computer equipment when not in use (67 per cent did so).

Installing a HeatingSave building energy management system which works with most boiler set-ups is the most effective way for offices to become more energy efficient. We have two systems: Small Business for shops, schools, civic buildings, factories, and commercial offices, and Enterprise for larger, multi-site premises. The features include heating pattern control so the heating is not on during weekends or holidays unless the building is being used – this alone saves up to 30% off bills; plus outside temperature compensation. This function switches your heating on later if it is warm and earlier if it is cold.

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