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Money saving building energy management system warns when oil tank is low

A study by a leading price comparison website reveals that 62 per cent of drivers spend less time behind the wheel due to soaring fuel prices. It could be a ‘double whammy’ for some consumers since high oil prices have a knock-on effect on those with oil-fired central heating. Brent Crude Oil Futures this week had oil priced at more than $97/barrel – currently at its highest for 12 months. It is no wonder those using oil to heat their homes are suffering in this cold winter.

Thanks to HeatingSave’s state-of-the-art microprocessor, 15% to 30%-plus fuel savings are easily achievable for oil-based central heating consumers struggling with high bills. Install and forget is the principal of HeatingSave as its internal computer constantly calculates and improves the efficiency and savings of your central heating system. It works on most types of oil fired boilers, even old ones. Linking the set-up to a PC aids your building energy management system (BEMS) since the software shows temperature and savings graphs and issues a warning when the tank is low.

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