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Savings from heat loss algorithm boiler control can cut energy bills by eight per cent or upwards

Energy regulator Ofgem has stepped up its investigation into the ‘big six’ suppliers. Five months ago Ofgem said it had evidence the leading energy companies had pushed up prices in response to rising costs more quickly than they reduced them when costs fell. An Ofgem statement said: “Ofgem has appointed accountancy firm BDO to provide recommendations on how best to improve accounting disclosures by energy suppliers” in a bid “to improve accounting transparency.”

If you think you are paying too much for your energy, switch to the HeatingSave intelligent boiler control system. In winter, the outside temperature 1st thing in the morning can be -5°C on one day and +12°C the next, so HeatingSave calculates the ‘heat loss profile’ of your specific building using the current outside and inside temperature to work out the absolute latest time to switch on the boiler for the rooms to be warm for when you want them. Savings made by the heat loss algorithm vary upwards from 8% of fuel used.

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