Hillview School for Girls has been a HeatingSave customer for more than a decade. Since getting their system installed back in 2010, Ben Lacey, the Site & Facilities Manager of the school, told our reporter that “HeatingSave has brought significant savings and advantages to their building”.
Cardiff Bay Yacht Club have been a HeatingSave customer for a while, getting their system installed just before the COVID-19 Pandemic. Roger Wallington, Cardiff Bay Yacht Club’s Secretary and Energy Manager, explained how the system has been significantly beneficial for the building.
Following the installation of a HeatingSave Building Energy Management System, the Treasurer of the Church, Mike Petter said: "I was looking for a system that could run all of those (rooms), as they were run from time clocks before"
Shoeburyness fire station is a Retained Fire Station and part of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. Like many fire stations, it is expensive to heat, so around three years ago the brigade thought of installing a boiler and energy management system to cut heating costs.
Experience the excitement as Tensor Plc and HeatingSave, leading British innovators, make waves in the Austrian business landscape. Join us to showcase our cutting-edge access control, time & attendance, and energy-saving solutions at the prestigious UBIT meeting in Graz, forging new pathways in the world of technology and entrepreneurship. Don't miss this thrilling preview of their groundbreaking impact on the global market.
Local council to help residents save money on energy bills
Saving on energy and cutting costs is on everyone’s mind these days, and Blackpool Council is trying to help residents in the area concerned with energy prices by offering them the possibility of joining a collective energy switching scheme.
Majority of renters support initiative to ban the renting of low energy efficiency houses
Energy efficiency is quickly becoming one of the top issues on any home renter’s checklist, results from the Energy Saving Trust’s (EST) latest survey were able to reveal.
Energy efficient homes should receive stamp duty discounts, MPs suggest
British households should receive more incentives in order to install energy efficiency measures, including here stamp duty discounts, MPs have recently argued.
Energy efficiency grants made available to Fenland landlords
A local council is lending a helping hand to landlords by offering them access to energy efficiency grants worth up to £8,000, a recent news report in the local media was able to reveal.
Landlords urge Government to extend minimum energy efficiency standards deadline
The National Landlords Association (NLA) has urged the government to exert extreme care when introducing the minimum energy efficiency requirements to the private rented sector (PRS), sources close to the matter can reveal.</p
The UK “Big Six” suppliers to pay back £153m from closed accounts
The UK’s largest energy suppliers have collectively agreed to pay back more than £153m from closed accounts to 3.5 million domestic customers, energy market regulator Ofgem has announced today.
East End households urged to start saving on their energy bills
Home owners across London’s East End are being urged to start saving on energy and join an energy co-operative that could grant them access to cheaper gas and electricity, a news report in the local media was able to reveal recently.
Collective energy switch scheme can help Lincolnshire residents save on energy bills
Saving energy and money has just become easier for businesses and households across Lincolnshire, as a collective switch scheme meant to help them cut their energy-related spending is open for registrations again, a recent news report in the local media was able to reveal.
Energy efficient homes could be eligible for council tax cuts under new Lib-Dem plans
Households that implement energy efficiency measures could receive a council tax discount of up to 100 pounds under the Lib Dem manifesto plans.
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