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Easy-To-Use Building Management System

Building Management System

HeatingSave’s Government Approved Building Management System is a user-friendly, energy-saving BMS with the ability to reduce heating costs by 20%-to-30%+.

How does HeatingSave's BMS work?

HeatingSave’s Building Management System is extremely straight-forward and easy-to-use. Its algorithms work by optimising the energy performance of a building.

It does this by collecting thousands of room, outside and heating system temperature transactions and then using these to machine-learn the most energy efficient, and hence cheapest, way to heat or cool your building.

It works on gas, oil, electric and even coal based heating systems. It will also help cut electricity bills for air conditioning and lighting too.


  • drastically reduces wasted fuel and energy
  • cuts the cost of your utility bills
  • lowers CO2 emissions, reducing your carbon footprint (thereby being a perfect tool in the continuing struggle to tackle the climate emergency).

All whilst maintaining personal comfort conditions.

With a proven track record of achieving savings, HeatingSave comes with a full suite of easy-to-use software applications, including a mobile phone app. The software stores minute-by-minute transactions and real-time energy consumption data, proving to you that it’s working and saving you money.

There is no magic bullet to cutting fuel costs.

Instead, HeatingSave has many advanced computerised controls, each one of them saving a bit here and a bit there. The important thing here is that these are all cumulative – typically saving between 20% - 30%. We have one customer who saved 66%.

“Simple-to-use heating controls for your building”.

- Martin Hamblin, Treasurer, Bush Hill Park United Reformed Church

What makes HeatingSave cut my fuel bills?

Below are just a few of HeatingSave’s energy saving methods and techniques – all extremely easy-to-use that require no expert knowledge in the field from users – and remember you don’t have to change your boiler(s) or plumbing to make these savings.

Smart management of boiler(s)

HeatingSave has a heat-loss algorithm, approved by the Government (on the Energy Technology List) and the Energy Savings Trust that automatically adjusts the flow temperature of your boiler(s) to stop over-heating – matching the flow temperature and the outside temperature to the unique requirements of your building.

Heat Rooms Individually

HeatingSave stops unnecessarily heating (or over-heating) parts of a building. It controls heating, or cooling, room-by-room with a simple-to-use unique pattern for each room.

Occupancy Management

HeatingSave has sensors to detect if people are there. These feed into our occupancy machine-learning algorithms that says “If there’s nobody there, then turn the heating (or cooling) down a bit”, still nobody there then down a bit more. When people return, it automatically restores heating (or cooling) to normal levels. Dead clever – and it saves a fortune and stops unnecessarily wasting energy.

Heating (cooling) diary

This allows you to choose the individual heating patterns that you want to use, where and when. It puts you in control from anywhere in the world with a smart phone signal.


HeatingSave has graphs and other simple-to-understand real-time graphics to show you and prove to you that it is working and saving money. These graphics help you understand what going on to make subtle changes to the settings to save even more money. You couldn’t do this with your existing controls because you could not “see” what was going on.

Heating hot water

No longer is the water set to a default of 60°C. You choose the temperature that you want to cut your energy consumption. Worried about Legionella? HeatingSave calculates the risk and automatically inserts a Legionella-boost to help keep it away.

There are many more energy-saving methods and techniques within HeatingSave – these are just a few. However, there is just one more – and it is truly unique, invented by us.

Room Booking System

HeatingSave’s Room Booking System allows you to run a room management system, where with each booking you can choose the temperature that you want. Different users may require different profiles.

Here is the cleaver bit – each night the room booking system runs a self-learning algorithm that calculates the most energy efficient heating/cooling profile to use the least amount of energy to meet the future requirements. We have one customer, a community centre, who cut 33% off their heating bill by using the Room Booking System.

“The big benefit for us is cutting costs. We’re confident we’ve saved a third on our gas bills”.

- Bernard Bone, Treasurer, Northiam Village Hall Trust

To learn more about HeatingSave’s easy-to-use Building Management System, and discover how you could save 20-to-30% on your heating and energy bills, then get in touch with a member of the HeatingSave team today who will be happy to assist.

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