Hillview School for Girls has been a HeatingSave customer for more than a decade. Since getting their system installed back in 2010, Ben Lacey, the Site & Facilities Manager of the school, told our reporter that “HeatingSave has brought significant savings and advantages to their building”.
Cardiff Bay Yacht Club have been a HeatingSave customer for a while, getting their system installed just before the COVID-19 Pandemic. Roger Wallington, Cardiff Bay Yacht Club’s Secretary and Energy Manager, explained how the system has been significantly beneficial for the building.
Following the installation of a HeatingSave Building Energy Management System, the Treasurer of the Church, Mike Petter said: "I was looking for a system that could run all of those (rooms), as they were run from time clocks before"
Shoeburyness fire station is a Retained Fire Station and part of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. Like many fire stations, it is expensive to heat, so around three years ago the brigade thought of installing a boiler and energy management system to cut heating costs.
Experience the excitement as Tensor Plc and HeatingSave, leading British innovators, make waves in the Austrian business landscape. Join us to showcase our cutting-edge access control, time & attendance, and energy-saving solutions at the prestigious UBIT meeting in Graz, forging new pathways in the world of technology and entrepreneurship. Don't miss this thrilling preview of their groundbreaking impact on the global market.
Manage your solar panel hot water system via intelligent heating controller
A global warming activist group has praised US President Barack Obama’s plans to put up solar panels on the White House roof in order to heat water and provide some electric power. Previous incumbents Jimmy Carter and George W Bush also installed panels. “Solar panels on one house, even this house, won’t save the climate, of course,” said the group 350.org on their website. “But they’re a powerful symbol to the whole nation about where the future lies.”
Boiler control algorithm can save businesses 30 per cent on heating bills
Company bosses were warned not to take the issue of global warming lightly. This year’s CBI Climate Change Summit highlighted a US survey where consumers ranked climate change bottom of a list of 21 problem issues facing their country. Irwin Lee, vice president and general manager of Procter & Gamble’s UK and Ireland operations, has committed that 30% of the power used to run its factories comes from renewable energy sources by 2020.
Building energy management software is answer to rising oil prices threat
A group of leading British businesses has called on the government to protect the UK economy against a new threat of rising oil prices. The industry taskforce, which includes retailers Kingfisher, warns a new ‘peak oil’ threat is likely to be felt in the UK within the next five years. Peak oil is the point when the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction is reached, after which the rate of production enters a terminal decline. The consortium is asking for improved government support for energy efficiency measures.
Connect HeatingSave system to solar collector for complete energy saving regime
Rachel Eden, councillor for Whitley, said installing solar panels would be a good investment for residents and businesses. Ms Eden said the technology would enable those in the Reading area to benefit from renewable energy sources.
Building Energy Management System drastically decreases carbon emissions
A council in Wales has approved a plan to reduce its carbon footprint. Wrexham will put in place energy-efficient bulbs instead of all its residential street lights. The Welsh Assembly Government has pledged £280,000 towards the scheme, which will cost £336,000.
HeatingSave helps to fight growing greenhouse gas emissions
A HeatingSave building energy management controller can help save the planet as emissions from nations go up worldwide.
HeatingSave have SAFE hands for installing money saving energy systems
HeatingSave’s parent company Tensor plc has been given a certificate which rewards high standards of health and safety (H&S) among UK contractors.
A HeatingSave system can cut business costs by 30%
Businesses have been recently feeling the pinch during the worst recession since 1945. If your company is struggling, then installing a HeatingSave system in order to cut costs could offset any fall in profits. By making your central heating set-up more efficient you could save £1000s per year.
Heating system sets work temperature right to save money
Businesses’ energy bills could rise by 26 per cent in the next decade due to policies to cut emissions in the UK. In contrast, domestic bills would only rise by 1% in the same period, according to reports published by the Department of Energy and Climate Change. The Government is calling for input from various groups into changing the way in which the UK consumes and produces.
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